January 12, 2012

First Aid and CPR training:)

My name is Anna and I am First Aid certified, I was wondering if I could help you out? You look like you're having a bit of trouble.


I can just imagine the fear in some poor innocent soul's eyes as they look up to see ME helping them. To sum this point up, today I was practicing splinting on Sam. She was being particularly annoying, whining about her fake broken leg and such. I got the brilliant idea to tie her up like a hostage. I tied her legs together, arms together, then tied her arms to her legs and completed the get-up tying a cloth around her head into her mouth (i think professional hit-men call this a gag?) It would be a BIG lie to say that it wasn't the highlight of my week, but through this experience I realized that I am NOT cut out to be a nurse. Blood makes me gag, I can't stand whining, etc. It's not that I wouldn't enjoy helping people, but I'm thinking more along the lines of accounting now. I can HELP people do their taxes :) haha (KIDDING, I'm too OCD and bored way too easily to do that, but yeah...) a new career plan is in progress. 

For the next item on my list, I need help naming my guitar. It will officially be mine around June, and I need a really cool name for it. So far I have had Cabbot, Skye and Hudson proposed. Comment with any *good* ideas :) 

Just finished the last training session for my First Aid and CPR certification course. The "knowledge assessment" and skills evaluation are on Monday so we'll see how that goes. 

Today I am thankful:
*that I will not be giving up 6 hours of my day to listen to theoretical medical emergency situations anymore
*that because of all that training I could save someone's life now
*and for God's patience and His providing me with patience

I walked up to the dorm at 9pm after First Aid with the beautiful night all around me. Every star in the universe was visible and I had time to just think and pray. Absolutely refreshing. No sooner than I walked through the door did I realize that tonight was the night... The deans were handing out the attendance/room check free labor assignments. Now I knew that I had been late to a couple of dorm worships and such, but we are allowed 3. I figured surely I'd be okay but at the worst an hour or so. However, apparently the deans have counted every time I have left my candle warmer on against me. If I left my straightener plugged in to the wall, that counted too. The cupboards above our light fixtures are supposed to be left opened as well, so that came back to bite me, too. All in all, I get to waste 6 hours of my life... That's right folks, 360 minutes that I will never get back, doing free labor. 

God has taught me valuable lessons from this though. I have learned the importance of patience, the value of respecting your elders and holding your tongue out of respect even when you REALLY want to give them a piece of your mind, and how everything you do, whether you realize it or not, affects you later on. Even though in the REAL world, you don't get an hour of slave free labor (haha!) for coming to dorm worship at 6:40:30 (that's right folks, I was 30 seconds late to worship one time and it STILL counted).

For all of you who are undergoing this "character refinement" thing with me, be encouraged. "Trials and obstacles are the Lord's chosen methods of discipline and His appointed conditions of success." - Help in Daily Living pg. 9

Don't forget to floss, and Flintstone (like Fred, Pebbles, Bam-Bam - cartoons) vitamins have excitotoxins in them so DON'T take your vitamins!! 

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